German Section

Category Archives: External

German newspaper article about my travels

newspaper article

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Posted by on 25th January 2022 in News, External

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Backpacker Rundreise durch Südamerika


Südamerika hat unglaublich viele Sehenswürdigkeiten zu bieten und lässt sich wunderbar per Rucksack als Backpacker erforschen. Dabei musst du nicht viel Geld ausgeben und kannst mit Hostels und Couchsurfing super leicht andere Reisende auf der gleichen Route kennenlernen. Dieser Reisebericht für zeigt dir Eindrücke aus Kolumbien, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivien & Chile! Read the rest of this entry »


Posted by on 6th May 2018 in External, German, Travel

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Ice Caves in Iceland – German trip report

Iceland Ice Caves

Exactly one year ago, I wrote my first ever guest article for the German travel blog wetraveltheworld and now I have finished a second one, describing one of my favorite travel moments ever from March 2013 when I got inside an amazing Ice Caves in Iceland! Check out the post for more. Read the rest of this entry »


Posted by on 3rd January 2018 in German, External, News, Travel

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Hitchhiking article in wanderlusttips magazine

Hitchhiking article in travel magazine

After my interview in the bilingual Vietnamese magazine Wanderlusttips back in their October issue, they had asked me to write a full 12 page article about hitchhiking and obviously, I did not say no! Check out this post for a link to the PDF if you are interested. Read the rest of this entry »


Posted by on 27th December 2017 in External, Travel

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Interview in Vietnamese magazine

I was interviewed by a bilingual Vietnamese magazine in their October issue, briefly talking about traveling together with four others. This is the first time something got into print with my pictures in it, pretty exciting! Check out this post to see the article.
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Posted by on 16th October 2017 in External, Travel

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Arctic Circle Trail in Greenland – German trip report

Arctic Circle TrailWhen people ask me for the best trip I have done so far, my answer is always the Arctic Circle Trail in Greenland. It might not have a landscape as spectacular as Patagonia, but due to the fact that we had to walk through waist deep snow, it turned into a challenging adventure that I will never forget. I have written a German trip report for now and will soon start working on the English version and video for my blog as well. So if you can read German, go ahead and check it out! 🙂

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Posted by on 22nd January 2017 in External, German, News, Travel



New blog URL and Interview with Nomadic Matt

2016-01-07_1946Hello everyone, it’s time to share 2 news with you! First, I have moved my blog away from the free site to And secondly, I was asked for an interview in the forum of what is probably the best known travel blogger on the planet: Nomadic Matt. Check out this post to find out more 🙂 Read the rest of this entry »


Posted by on 7th January 2016 in External, News, Travel

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The Art of Couch Surfing (@Huffington Post)

The Huffington Post is a huge online-news site and I thought it would be a good way to make more people aware of my blog. Since it doesn’t hurt to ask, I got in contact to see if they might be interested in an article about Couchsurfing, as they did not have anything on that topic yet. Luckily for me, they liked the idea and I could start writing!

My East Europe Tour from last year turned out to be a great foundation to give an insight about the topic. However, the 800 word limit did not allow me to go into any details of the trip itself, but I will definitely get a Travel Report out for this in the future. I am very excited that the article is finally online in their Travel section, go ahead and check it out by clicking on the picture!


Posted by on 19th October 2012 in External, News

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